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INTERN: A New Learning Paradigm Towards General Vision

Enormous waves of technological innovations over the past several years, marked by the advances in AI technologies, are profoundly reshaping the industry and the society. However, down the road, a key challenge awaits us, that is, our capability of meeting rapidly-growing scenario-specific demands is severely limited by the cost of acquiring a commensurate amount of training data. This difficult situation is in essence due to limitations of the mainstream learning paradigm: we need to train a new model for each new scenario, based on a large quantity of well-annotated data and commonly from scratch. In tackling this fundamental problem, we move beyond and develop a new learning paradigm named INTERN. By learning with supervisory signals from multiple sources in multiple stages, the model being trained will develop strong generalizability. We evaluate our model on 26 well-known datasets that cover four categories of tasks in computer vision. In most cases, our models, adapted with only 10% of the training data in the target domain, outperform the counterparts trained with the full set of data, often by a significant margin. This is an important step towards a promising prospect where such a model with general vision capability can dramatically reduce our reliance on data, thus expediting the adoption of AI technologies. Furthermore, revolving around our new paradigm, we also introduce a new data system, a new architecture, and a new benchmark, which, together, form a general vision ecosystem to support its future development in an open and inclusive manner.



Container: Context Aggregation Network

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are ubiquitous in computer vision, with a myriad of effective and efficient variations. Recently, Transformers – originally introduced in natural language processing – have been increasingly adopted in computer vision. While early adopters continue to employ CNN backbones, the latest networks are end-to-end CNN-free Transformer solutions. A recent surprising finding shows that a simple MLP based solution without any traditional convolutional or Transformer components can produce effective visual representations. While CNNs, Transformers and MLP-Mixers may be considered as completely disparate architectures, we provide a unified view showing that they are in fact special cases of a more general method to aggregate spatial context in a neural network stack. We present the CONTAINER (CONText AggregatIon NEtwoRk), a general-purpose building block for multi-head context aggregation that can exploit long-range interactions a la Transformers while still exploiting the inductive bias of the local convolution operation leading to faster convergence speeds, often seen in CNNs. Our CONTAINER architecture achieves 82.7 % Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet using 22M parameters, +2.8 improvement compared with DeiT-Small, and can converge to 79.9 % Top-1 accuracy in just 200 epochs. In contrast to Transformer-based methods that do not scale well to downstream tasks that rely on larger input image resolutions, our efficient network, named CONTAINER-LIGHT, can be employed in object detection and instance segmentation networks such as DETR, RetinaNet and Mask-RCNN to obtain an impressive detection mAP of 38.9, 43.8, 45.1 and mask mAP of 41.3, providing large improvements of 6.6, 7.3, 6.9 and 6.6 pts respectively, compared to a ResNet-50 backbone with a comparable compute and parameter size. Our method also achieves promising results on selfsupervised learning compared to DeiT on the DINO framework. Code is released at https://github.com/allenai/container.