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【“星河Talk”第19期】斯坦福大学Ehsan Adeli:运动中的思维——解读人类行动与神经回路的相互作用|活动预告

      9月22日,“上海人工智能实验室学术论坛”将举办第19期“星河Talk”。本期邀请斯坦福大学助理教授Ehsan Adeli,带来主题报告Mind in Motion: Deciphering the Interplay between Human Actions and Neural Circuitry。“星河Talk”不定期邀请全球顶尖学者,分享学术成果、探讨科技前沿。




主题:Mind in Motion: Deciphering the Interplay between Human Actions and Neural Circuitry

嘉宾:Ehsan Adeli  斯坦福大学医学院助理教授

主持人:Wayne Wu  OpenXDLab浦画平台负责人

时间:北京时间 9月22日 10:00-11:00




Automatic analysis of actions (from videos) and identifying their relations to the underlying neural circuitry (using structural and functional MRIs) can lead to a novel mechanistic understanding of brain cognition and how neurological disorders disrupt these links. The recognized associations between brain circuitry (mind) and movement (motion) will further lead to identifying signs and symptoms of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders enabling the discovery of relations between movement-linked brain disruptions. In this talk, Dr. Ehsan Adeli will discuss how recent advancements in computer vision and computational neuroscience contribute to discovering behavioral and neural phenotypes of healthy aging and neurological disorders.



Ehsan Adeli,Assistant Professor at Stanford University

Dr. Ehsan Adeli is an Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine at Stanford University. He is also affiliated with the Department of Computer Science at Stanford’s School of Engineering. He primarily leads research at the Computational Neuroscience (CNS) Lab and the Partnership in AI-Assisted Care (PAC). PAC is a partnership between Stanford AI Lab (SAIL), Stanford Vision and Learning (SVL), and Clinical Excellence Research Center (CERC). Dr. Adeli is an Executive Co-Director of Stanford AGILE Consortium (Advancing technoloGy for fraIlty & LongEvity), and a faculty member of Stanford Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, and Stanford Center for AI in Medical Imaging. With a PhD in computer science and artificial intelligence, Ehsan is applying his expertise to solve critical problems in healthcare and computational neuroscience. His research interests include computer vision, ambient intelligence, computational neuroscience, medical image analysis, and AI-assisted healthcare.



Wayne Wu,OpenXDLab浦画平台负责人





