汤晓鸥先生是全球人工智能领域最具影响力的科学家之一。他凭借深厚的科学素养和敏锐的学术思维,在人脸识别、底层视觉、深度学习等研究方向取得了多项开创性成果。2014年研发了全球首个超过人眼识别能力的面部识别算法,开启了人脸识别行业技术大规模落地的时代,推动我国在相关领域跃居世界领先地位;提出了基于暗原色的单一图像去雾技术,发现了自然图像中的暗原色基本准则,为图像视频增强这一重要视觉问题提供了新方法,获得计算机视觉三大顶级会议之一国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议(CVPR)2009“最佳论文奖”,是CVPR自1983年举办以来亚洲学者首次获奖;2014年首次提出了图像超分网络,基于该技术诞生了世界首款基于深度学习的数码变焦软件,开创了深度学习用于底层视觉的新方向。据统计,汤晓鸥先生论文累计被引用近14万次,H-index 143,位居全球华人计算机科学家前列。

  • 曾任计算机视觉领域顶级国际期刊 IJCV 主编,是 IJCV 历史上首位任主编的华人科学家
  • IEEE Fellow
  • ICCV (IEEE 国际计算机视觉会议) 2009程序委员会主席、ICCV 2019大会主席
  • CVPR 2009最佳论文、AAAI 2015最佳学生论文
  • 领军的中国人工智能团队入选世界十大人工智能先锋实验室
  • 研发世界上第一个超过人眼的人脸识别算法,开启了整个人脸识别行业技术落地的时代

发表会议及期刊:IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence


Image Super-resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks

We propose a deep learning method for single image super-resolution (SR). Our method directly learns an end-to-end mapping between the low/high-resolution images. The mapping is represented as a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) that takes the low-resolution image as the input and outputs the high-resolution one. We further show that traditional sparse-coding-based SR methods can also be viewed as a deep convolutional network. But unlike traditional methods that handle each component separately, our method jointly optimizes all layers. Our deep CNN has a lightweight structure, yet demonstrates state-of-the-art restoration quality, and achieves fast speed for practical on-line usage. We explore different network structures and parameter settings to achieve trade-offs between performance and speed. Moreover, we extend our network to cope with three color channels simultaneously, and show better overall reconstruction quality.



Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution

We propose a deep learning method for single image superresolution (SR). Our method directly learns an end-to-end mapping between the low/high-resolution images. The mapping is represented as a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) [15] that takes the lowresolution image as the input and outputs the high-resolution one. We further show that traditional sparse-coding-based SR methods can also be viewed as a deep convolutional network. But unlike traditional methods that handle each component separately, our method jointly optimizes all layers. Our deep CNN has a lightweight structure, yet demonstrates state-of-the-art restoration quality, and achieves fast speed for practical on-line usage.



Deep learning Face Attributes in the Wild

Predicting face attributes in the wild is challenging due to complex face variations. We propose a novel deep learning framework for attribute prediction in the wild. It cascades two CNNs, LNet and ANet, which are finetuned jointly with attribute tags, but pre-trained differently. LNet is pre-trained by massive general object categories for face localization, while ANet is pre-trained by massive face identities for attribute prediction. This framework not only outperforms the state-of-the-art with a large margin, but also reveals valuable facts on learning face representation. (1) It shows how the performances of face localization (LNet) and attribute prediction (ANet) can be improved by different pre-training strategies. (2) It reveals that although the filters of LNet are fine-tuned only with imagelevel attribute tags, their response maps over entire images have strong indication of face locations. This fact enables training LNet for face localization with only image-level annotations, but without face bounding boxes or landmarks, which are required by all attribute recognition works. (3) It also demonstrates that the high-level hidden neurons of ANet automatically discover semantic concepts after pretraining with massive face identities, and such concepts are significantly enriched after fine-tuning with attribute tags. Each attribute can be well explained with a sparse linear combination of these concepts.



ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks

The Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SRGAN) is a seminal work that is capable of generating realistic textures during single image super-resolution. However, the hallucinated details are often accompanied with unpleasant artifacts. To further enhance the visual quality, we thoroughly study three key components of SRGAN – network architecture, adversarial loss and perceptual loss, and improve each of them to derive an Enhanced SRGAN (ESRGAN). In particular, we introduce the Residual-in-Residual Dense Block (RRDB) without batch normalization as the basic network building unit. Moreover, we borrow the idea from relativistic GAN to let the discriminator predict relative realness instead of the absolute value. Finally, we improve the perceptual loss by using the features before activation, which could provide stronger supervision for brightness consistency and texture recovery. Benefiting from these improvements, the proposed ESRGAN achieves consistently better visual quality with more realistic and natural textures than SRGAN and won the first place in the PIRM2018-SR Challenge (region 3) with the best perceptual index. The code is available at https://github.com/xinntao/ESRGAN.



Action Recognition with Trajectory-Pooled Deep-Convolutional Descriptors 2015

Visual features are of vital importance for human action understanding in videos. This paper presents a new video representation, called trajectory-pooled deep-convolutional descriptor (TDD), which shares the merits of both handcrafted features [31] and deep-learned features [24]. Specifically, we utilize deep architectures to learn discriminative convolutional feature maps, and conduct trajectoryconstrained pooling to aggregate these convolutional features into effective descriptors. To enhance the robustness of TDDs, we design two normalization methods to transform convolutional feature maps, namely spatiotemporal normalization and channel normalization. The advantages of our features come from (i) TDDs are automatically learned and contain high discriminative capacity compared with those hand-crafted features; (ii) TDDs take account of the intrinsic characteristics of temporal dimension and introduce the strategies of trajectory-constrained sampling and pooling for aggregating deep-learned features. We conduct experiments on two challenging datasets: HMDB51 and UCF101. Experimental results show that TDDs outperform previous hand-crafted features [31] and deeplearned features [24]. Our method also achieves superior performance to the state of the art on these datasets 1 .



Residual Attention Network for Image Classification

In this work, we propose “Residual Attention Network”, a convolutional neural network using attention mechanism which can incorporate with state-of-art feed forward network architecture in an end-to-end training fashion. Our Residual Attention Network is built by stacking Attention Modules which generate attention-aware features. The attention-aware features from different modules change adaptively as layers going deeper. Inside each Attention Module, bottom-up top-down feedforward structure is used to unfold the feedforward and feedback attention process into a single feedforward process. Importantly, we propose attention residual learning to train very deep Residual Attention Networks which can be easily scaled up to hundreds of layers.<br/><br/>Extensive analyses are conducted on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets to verify the effectiveness of every module mentioned above. Our Residual Attention Network achieves state-of-the-art object recognition performance on three benchmark datasets including CIFAR-10 (3.90% error), CIFAR-100 (20.45% error) and ImageNet (4.8% single model and single crop, top-5 error). Note that, our method achieves 0.6% top-1 accuracy improvement with 46% trunk depth and 69% forward FLOPs comparing to ResNet-200. The experiment also demonstrates that our network is robust against noisy labels.



Temporal Segment Networks Towards Good Practices for Deep Action Recognition

Deep convolutional networks have achieved great success for visual recognition in still images. However, for action recognition in videos, the advantage over traditional methods is not so evident. This paper aims to discover the principles to design effective ConvNet architectures for action recognition in videos and learn these models given limited training samples. Our first contribution is temporal segment network (TSN), a novel framework for video-based action recognition. which is based on the idea of long-range temporal structure modeling. It combines a sparse temporal sampling strategy and video-level supervision to enable efficient and effective learning using the whole action video. The other contribution is our study on a series of good practices in learning ConvNets on video data with the help of temporal segment network. Our approach obtains the state-the-of-art performance on the datasets of HMDB51 (69.4%) and UCF101 (94.2%). We also visualize the learned ConvNet models, which qualitatively demonstrates the effectiveness of temporal segment network and the proposed good practices. 1



3D ShapeNets: A Deep Representation for Volumetric Shapes

3D shape is a crucial but heavily underutilized cue in today’s computer vision systems, mostly due to the lack of a good generic shape representation. With the recent availability of inexpensive 2.5D depth sensors (e.g. Microsoft Kinect), it is becoming increasingly important to have a powerful 3D shape representation in the loop. Apart from category recognition, recovering full 3D shapes from viewbased 2.5D depth maps is also a critical part of visual understanding. To this end, we propose to represent a geometric 3D shape as a probability distribution of binary variables on a 3D voxel grid, using a Convolutional Deep Belief<br/><br/>Network. Our model, 3D ShapeNets, learns the distribution of complex 3D shapes across different object categories and arbitrary poses from raw CAD data, and discovers hierarchical compositional part representation automatically. It naturally supports joint object recognition and shape completion from 2.5D depth maps, and it enables active object recognition through view planning. To train our 3D deep learning model, we construct ModelNet – a large- scale 3D<br/><br/>CAD model dataset. Extensive experiments show that our 3D deep representation enables significant performance improvement over the- state- of- the- arts in a variety of tasks.

发表会议及期刊:IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence


Guided Image Filtering

In this paper, we propose a novel type of explicit image filter - guided filter. Derived from a local linear model, the guided filter generates the filtering output by considering the content of a guidance image, which can be the input image itself or another different image.<br/><br/>The guided filter can perform as an edge-preserving smoothing operator like the popular bilateral filter [1], but has better behavior near the edges. It also has a theoretical connection with the matting Laplacian matrix [2], so is a more generic concept than a smoothing operator and can better utilize the structures in the guidance image. Moreover, the guided filter has a fast and non-approximate linear-time algorithm, whose computational complexity is independent of the filtering kernel size. We demonstrate that the guided filter is both effective and efficient in a great variety of computer vision and computer graphics applications including noise reduction, detail smoothing/enhancement, HDR compression, image matting/feathering, haze removal, and joint upsampling.

发表会议及期刊:IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence


Single Image Haze Removal Uing Dark Channel Prior

In this paper, we propose a simple but effective image prior - dark channel prior to remove haze from a single input image. The dark channel prior is a kind of statistics of the haze-free outdoor images. It is based on a key observation - most local patches in haze-free outdoor images contain some pixels which have very low intensities in at least one color channel. Using this prior with the haze imaging model, we can directly estimate the thickness of the haze and recover a high quality haze-free image. Results on a variety of outdoor haze images demonstrate the power of the proposed prior. Moreover, a high quality depth map can also be obtained as a by-product of haze removal.

版权所有 上海人工智能实验室